In this section you can see case studies of solutions we achieve for our partners in digital
The answer is – very difficult, but not impossible! In this Case Study you can see what stages we went through to achieve these results and beat the competition of this online store.
Here’s how we were able to properly analyze the business and strategize an e-commerce business!
Finding the right audience, minimizing
the cost per lead and developing an entirely new lead generation channel
for the business were our main challenges. F ind out how we worked on this project here.
How we successfully developed a brand new brand in 90 days on Facebook and Instagram!
If your business is not achieving the desired results in a digital environment or you are looking for a partner to effectively increase the benefits of your online business and brand presence. Look for us!
Who are Studio 139 and what is our mission, our goals and our working methods. Find out more about us here.
Find out more about our services and working methods at Studio 139. We are waiting for you!
Achieve results and revenue consistency for your business in a digital environment!