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Case studies

Successful Lead Generation on a Brand New Channel

Find out more about our work plan here.

from industrial buildings to residential buildings
and complexes built using the latest technologies
and materials and offering a high quality living environment.

Since its establishment, Obraztsov Input has been a
major innovator and driver in the overall development
of the professional condominium management industry
in Bulgaria and offers the only service of its kind capable
of combining the personal touch to its clients through dedicated personal account managers for each of its buildings with the corporate culture and scale of a large company.

1. Start of Project

1. Start of Project

Obraztsov Ltd is a management company for condominium buildings and gated communities. The company was founded in 2015 and the main focus of its activity is the maintenance and management of residential building stock in all its varieties –

2. Challenges

Finding the right audience, minimizing the cost per lead and developing an entirely new lead generation channel for the business were our main challenges that we successfully tackled. You'll learn how, in how much time, and what steps we took here.

3. Main Objective

1. Lead Generation. - Generating the maximum number of relevant leads for the business.
2. Brand Awareness. - Establishing the brand's position as a leader in its field through the social networks Facebook and Instagram.

4. Choice of Channels

We were tasked with developing and growing the brand's Facebook and Instagram accounts, both organically and reaching the full potential of Meta's platforms to generate new leads through paid advertising activity.

5. Analysis

Before moving on to the "develop an advertising strategy" stage, we did an in-depth analysis of the business, its value proposition and competitors in the sector. We held a series of meetings to get to know the specifics of the business perfectly, drew on the owner's experience and gained vital insights that led to faster results and more efficient use of the media budget, minimizing the investment in the "experimental phase". Effective communication is the key to mutual success and in our work with obrazcov.bg we have confirmed this again, not only in theory but also in practice in clearly measurable figures.

We chose to work with the second option, and our focus shifted
entirely to the daily analysis and optimization of ad targeting, which
we will explain more about due to the specifics of the business, ad texts and visuals.

In the meantime, the organic content, with Brand Awareness as the
main goal, successfully engaged the audience with metrics of CTR%, Engagement Rate up to three times above the Facebook average
in the sphere (average statistics: about 0.99% Engagement Rate and 1.10%CTR)

Given the nature of the business, discovering the right targeting for paid advertising activities(what brings the best Cost Per Lead) was a real challenge. There are dozens of people living in each apartment building/entrance – each with different interests and ages, and relying on the algorithm to find the right ones was not an option as we were just starting ad activities and the Facebook pixel had no signals on which to sift audiences.

We experimented weekly and tailored to the client’s budget – with different types of targeting – until we found the combination that was still working and effectively achieved the set goals.

6. Advertising Strategy

6. Advertising Strategy

We planned all advertising activities on a monthly basis,
and it was extremely important to be flexible with the advertising structure and budget, as well as with the advertising visions and their texts. For the first few months, we carefully analyzed the data we received
from the platforms and coordinated with the client based on the results.

One of the main experiments:

7. Result

We arrived at a great CPL (Cost Per Lead) of $14, which we further brought down to $8.56 after working hard towards creative, copy and targeting. The important thing for us was that 95% of the leads were successfully moved to the next stage of the obrazcov.bg customer acquisition process.

8. Conclusion

When we were introduced to the brand and started working the task seemed extremely difficult. A new channel, initial setup of tracking tools, planning the right activities and conceptualizing a strategy for a successful yet new to social media brand. Our team is well prepared theoretically and with a lot of practical experience behind them, but communication and flexibility in ad structure, planning and implementation were key to achieving the best results for Sample Entry and in less than 3 months. We wish (ourselves) an even lower CPL, still high Engagement Rate and implementation of all follow-up activities for Sample Login with even better results.


Other Case Studies:

"How to Achieve Remarkable Results in the First Few Months of Working Together"?

"How We Successfully Scaled Sales For E-Commerce Business In Record Time"

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